Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Ultimate Victory

The following is straight out of my journal from this morning. I just really felt that I should share this with you all. This is kind of hard for me because I don’t normally share with people whenever I fast, but I feel like God was leading me to tell you about this experience, so forgive me for sharing that. Ok, that’s my disclaimer… here’s my entry:

“On Good Friday, my school had a Tenenbraum service at St. Anne’s Church (a beautiful church with a 7 second echo which commemorates the place where the Virgin Mary grew up). We read through all the verses leading up to Christ’s death and left in silence. It was incredibly powerful. What struck me most was that afterwards, we just left. We walked out of that church and life continued. The Savior of the world just passed away, the darkest hour in humanity, and life just went on. Shopkeepers were open and selling, people were driving, life continued to be. It made no sense to me. Shouldn’t everything stand still? Shouldn’t we expect some sort of hushed silence? I feel like there should be a pause button were we step outside of time. This was a huge moment, shouldn’t it be more… momentous? I felt like I was in some sports movie where the clock was running out. Just then, everything slows down, and I wait. I watch as the shot is put up or the football is thrown down the field into the end zone. There is anticipation. So I spent yesterday, (Saturday) in anticipation fasting. Neither food nor drink could touch my mouth until my Savior was risen. I waited in anticipation for the Resurrection. I was anxious, nervous, hoping. Then Easter Sunday came. The shot went in the basket, the football was caught. We won the game! Death was defeated! Let’s charge the field rejoicing and hoisting our Savior high. He is risen! Hallelujah! This is the joy of Easter. The ultimate victory.

So right now, I’m celebrating this ultimate victory at a church service at the site of the Garden Tomb. It’s a beautiful dawn. Even birds are chirping Resurrection songs. What a glorious day. Lord, you are risen indeed. Amen.”

Have a happy and blessed Easter everyone. I miss and love you all. Thank you for your comments, prayers, and support. It is encouraging.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for that awesome reflection GE. You described your thoughts well as if we are there. Hope your time over there is still going great!!
Happy Easter

Anonymous said...

It must be amazing to celebrate Easter in Jerusalem. This afternoon I caught up on reading your blogs and looking at your pics. It's really neat to share in your growing experience with your faith. Thanks so much for letting us see your world. You're in my prayers!

Jess :)

P.S. I came across the notes you wrote to our team while in Uganda during my devotional time today. It was a blessing to read them again.

megan said...

i saw you write this. i am glad you posted it. i had trouble coming out of the church on friday and pretending that life was normal, but not as much trouble as i should have. life is a strange thing, and sometimes the little things affect us and ruin our day, and the big things we brush off far too quickly. thanks for sharing!